Gateway Before

Chedzoy Parish Council Footpaths Officer

This a voluntary role currently filled by Ian Medland, assisted by Steve Litchfield. In parallel I am also the Somerset Council ‘Rights of Way Liaison Officer’. We had formal training to use the petrol strimmer and safety equipment provided and maintained by Somerset Council. Thank our Parish Council for covering most of the cost of the training.

Somerset Council have a responsibility to maintain the many miles of footpaths across the whole County. The Council rely on volunteers to do their best to keep the paths accessible for all to use. We have about 11 miles of footpaths in our parish and as you all know, keeping up with the spring and summer growth is a constant task.

Both Steve and I got involved through clearing paths we used regularly. Being able to do so depends on the weather as well as finding the time to do so. I have seen that other people using the paths also help by clearing overgrowth from stiles and gateways, which is brilliant. We can all help just by cutting back a few strands each time of passing. Take the dog out, and a pair of secateurs…

The landowners have a responsibility to maintain the hardware on the paths; Gates, stiles and fences however, Somerset Council can often help. Recently I arranged for a missing stile to be replaced with a metal gate and for three missing or damaged fingerposts to be replaced. This was done with the help of volunteers from the Sedgemoor Ramblers Association.

There is an interactive map called Explore Somerset which shows all our footpaths (there is a laminated copy on the PCC noticeboard in the village), just zoom in and out to get the level of detail you want. You can click on paths and assets to report any faults or issues. The council will often forward them to me to see if it is something we can sort out. Overgrown paths; yes. Missing bridges; no. https://roam.somerset.gov.uk/roam/map

Please use our footpaths. Around filed edges they should be at least 1.5m wide and across fields, 1m wide. Farmers are allowed to cultivate across paths but should reinstate them within 14 days. Rights of Way do not expire even if people don’t use them.